Time for Inclusive Education
The Scottish Youth Football Association (SYFA), together with Time for Inclusive Education (TIE), has launched a national programme of educational workshops to tackle an increase in the number of homophobic incidents at youth football matches in Scotland.
TIE address homophobic, biphobic and transphobic prejudice and bullying through education. They create resources for schools, run workshops and assemblies for young people, and deliver professional learning for teachers on behalf of the Scottish Government.
The newly launched partnership, the first of its kind in Scotland, will see educational workshops delivered to grassroots volunteers and players across Scotland by TIE staff. The workshops will aim to raise awareness of prejudice, explain where stereotypes come from, how unconscious bias develops and how tackling exclusion ensures there is always a safe and nurturing environment for anyone who wishes to play football in Scotland.
Workshops will also feature Zander Murray who, in September 2022, became the first senior Scottish footballer to come out as gay. Zander will talk about his personal experiences and encourage attendees to consider the language they use by helping them understand the impact homophobic language can have.
Find out more HERE
You can find more information on our upcoming TIE worshops HERE
For more information about TIE please visit: https://tie.scot